
ดร.ไพรัช บุญสุวรรณ

ไพรัช บุญสุวรรณ Phairat Boonsuwan


ดร.ไพรัช บุญสุวรรณ

Dr.Phairat Boonsuwan

Master: MAS
Major: Master of Applied Sciences (certified by EQUIS)
University: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
Graduation Year: 2020

Master: MBA
Major: Master of Business Administration, (certified by AACSB, EQUIS)
University: Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University & Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern Univ., Illinois, USA. (certified by AACSB)
Graduation Year: Apr 2011 – Feb 2013

Master: Ms.(CIS)
Major: Computer Information System
University: Assumption University
Graduation Year: Sep 1992 – Feb 1990

Bachelor: BA. (Accounting)
Major: Accounting
University: Ramkamhaeng  University
Graduation Year: 1983-1986

  1. 2019   AUAP Leadership 5.0 From Theory to Practice by KREMPL Communications
  2. 2018   SET University Networking in Disruptive Technology in Thailand, Business Sustainability and CSR.
  3. 2018   SME Business started up in Thailand 4.0
  4. 2016   The Era of New Teacher in the century Training
  5. 2016   The Investor Contract by The Board of Investment in Thailand’s Financial Institutions.
  6. 2011    Coaching & Feedback In-house training, Bangkok Bank


  1. -Finance and Banking
  2. -International Business
  3. -Investment and Personal Wealth Management

  1. อาจารย์ประจำบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย บริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยสยาม ด้าน Finance Management, International Trade and Investment, Managerial Accounting, International Accounting
  2. Bangkok Bank PCL. International Banking Group Management 2013-1999, Hong Kong Br., Taipei Br., Shanghai Br.
  3. IC License (ผู้แนะนำการลงทุนด้านหลักทรัพย์ ตราสารหนี้ ตราสารทุน กองทุน) Single License No.028435 date 01/01/57


ปีการศึกษา 2562

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 1
1. 502-611 Inter Finance & Banking
2. 502-630 Personal Wealth Management
3. 500-611 Finance Management

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 2
1. 500-611 การจัดการการเงิน
2. 500-611 Finance Management

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 3
1. 504-610 การบัญชีระหว่างประเทศ
2. 504-610 International Accounting

ปีการศึกษา 2561

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 1
1. 502-617 การจัดการความเสี่ยงทางธุรกิจ
2. 504-612 International Trade & Investment
3. 500-601 Basic Principle Accounting

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 2
1. 500-616 Managerial Accounting
2. 504-612 International Trade & Investment
3. 500-601 Basic Principle Accounting

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 3

1. 500-601 Basic Principle Accounting
2. 502-617 การจัดการความเสี่ยงทางธุรกิจ
3. 500-601 การบัญชีพื้นฐาน
4. 504-612 International Trade & Investment

  1. Boonsuwan, Phairat. (2018). The influence of organizational factors on innovative knowledge transfer: Implication for MNC’s performance in Thailand. In International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the digital era (ICESDE) 2018 (p.39). Bangkok, Thailand: Assumption University.
  2. Boonsuwan, Phairat & Puttibarncharoensri, Piyawan. (2019). The Role of intrapreneurship for sustainable innovation through process innovation and product innovation on learning employee-driven innovation integration for MNE’s in Thailand: A conceptual framework. In AU ICBE2019 Proceedings 1st International Conference in Business and Economics (p.84-85). Bangkok, Thailand: Assumption University.
  3. Huber S, Simasathiansophon, N., Onputtha, S., & Boonsuwan, P. (2019). Status Reoprt on Sino-Thai Relationships in Business and Economics Today, RMUTT. Global Business and Economics Review, 29 December 2020. (TCI1).
  4. Boonsuwan, P. & Siriwichai, C. (2022). The determinants of Innovative Knowledge Transfer on driving force Innovation performance and Global innovation. MNCs Automobile in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 17(50) January-February 2023. (TCI1).
  5. Boonsuwan, P. & Zhu, B. (2023). The Role of Intrapreneurship and Environmental Collaboration in Fostering Green Innovation Adoption in the Hotel Industry in Bangkok. Accepted by Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism. Jan- Jun Issue (TCI1).
  6. Boonsuwan, P. & Zhu, B. (2023). A Conceptual Model of Intrapreneurship, Sustainable Collaboration and Sustainable Human Capital Triggering Green Innovation Adoption in the Hotel Industry in Thailand. Accepted by Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism for publishing in July-December Issue (TCI1).

